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Light, airy lounge in a new build home in St Mawes, Cornwall
Marraum Architects24-Aug-2021 17:08:133 min read

5 Ways to Maximise Natural Lighting in Your Home | Blog | Marraum

Natural lighting can have a huge impact in our homes. Aside from adding a new dimension to your space, it can reduce energy consumption and measurably improve health & wellbeing.

With smart design choices and mindful use of décor, your home can be transformed and give a fresh perspective. By working with a skilled, local architect, you can enhance the use of natural lighting in your home, making your space work for you in new and exciting ways.


1. Install wide windows, skylights and patio doors

While it may seem like the most obvious suggestion: create more openings for light to enter your home with a considered approach to windows, skylights and glass doors where possible.

Your architect can work with you to bring your vision for a brighter home to life by finding ways to capture light where it falls and working with it to ensure the light can effectively fill the room in a way that is practical and visually appealing.

An increase in natural light also makes spaces feel larger, so opting for wider windows and well-positioned skylights is an effective way of achieving a more spacious feeling home.


2. Keep the layout open with a considered approach to space

Aside from using natural light to open up a room, creating physical pockets of space in smart positions is a great way of maximising available light.

Giving consideration to which rooms you will be using and at what times of day can help guide the decision making process - having the morning sunlight coming into the kitchen will make early starts much more pleasant than starting your day in the dark or unnatural light.

Orientation is an essential part of this, especially when designing a new build and there is more freedom to explore your options.


3. Choose an appropriately bright colour palette

Darker colours will absorb rather than reflect light, so choosing a colour scheme that maximises light’s distribution in your home will go a long way. Choosing light shades that complement the way light falls in your home for a noticeably brighter setting.

That’s not to say quirky colours don’t have a use – sometimes, a vivid splash of colour can benefit a room by absorbing uncomfortable levels of brightness; it’s all about using the appropriate tones for the job.

Discover more great reasons to bring an architect on board for your home renovation.

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4. Make use of reflective objects and materials

Décor and ornamentation that encourage light to move around can greatly enhance a space, especially if you opt for a reflective material that diffuses glare such as copper or aluminium.

Reflective backsplash tiles in the kitchen and bathroom are a good example, as are well positioned mirrors throughout your home. Light reflecting paints are also available, but as with any design choices, moderation is key and glare should be avoided where possible.


5. Design your home to complement the natural landscape

Designing a home that makes use of natural features and sits peacefully in the surrounding landscape is great for everyone: ideally you want to create something that appeals to you as the homeowner, but also doesn’t look out of place.

Cornwall is renowned for its scenery, and a sympathetic approach to design will ensure your home makes a positive impact on the landscape and is appreciated by all of those who see it.

For a better idea of how your finished project will look, our Virtual Reality technology lets you experience your design in its entirety before a single brick is laid.


Discover a Different Kind of Sustainable Architects Cornwall

At Marraum, we’re a team of architectural specialists passionate about making your space do the work for you. We’d love to hear from you if you’re thinking about enhancing your home’s natural lighting and views – or any other architectural design feature.

Contact us today to begin reimagining your Cornwall home. In the meantime, you can find out about our process or meet the team for more information about who we are and what sets us apart.



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