A property renovation is by no means a simple task - and there’s plenty of things to consider carefully before taking a project on. Make sure that you’re prepared and help your project go as smoothly as possible with Marraum's checklist of important considerations to make during the initial planning stages of your renovation:
The purpose of your new space
Do you have a clear purpose in mind for your new space? Is it an extended family area, or a functional working space? Understanding the purpose for this new space will help inform the features that need to be incorporated into your design and help an architect or designer in their role of creating a space that works harder for you. If you’re struggling for inspiration, why not take a look at our projects?
Do you have a budget in mind? It’s important to go into your project with a realistic budget for the space that you want to create - and also for you to be aware that as any challenges of the project arise, this budget may change. An experienced architect can act as a project manager, ensuring you stay on track with your budget - and helping you make informed decisions at times when you may have to deviate from this. We delved into the question of how much will an architect cost in a previous blog.
Time frame
Is there a strict timeframe on your renovation? Do you need your project completed by a certain date, in time for a family event or new tenant moving in? Certain milestones will be out your or your designers control so working back from the end date and making sure these key stages are planned in is key to the project running on time.
Your vision
Do you want a simple extension and building refresh, or are you looking for a full remodel of your home? Write a list of the features that are important to you (and the things you don’t want from your space) and any additional ideas that you like. Is it important that your home is future-proofed for a growing family? Do you want to be able to use your space for home-working? An architect can help translate this vision into a rich design that makes the most of your space.
Understand your space
Having a thorough understanding of your space is key. If you have recently purchased, can you live in it for a while before carrying out work – you might find your initial ideas dramatically change. Have you had a thorough building survey carried out to highlight any areas of concerns which may require remedial works and additional costs?
Learn about site restrictions
Is your property a listed building? Is it located in a conservation area or Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)? It’s important that you’re clear about the level of work that you’re able to carry out on your building before beginning. Find out more about listed building considerations, here.
Will planning permission be needed
If your renovation requires planning permission, then it’s important that you understand the process behind this before proceeding. Waiting for planning approval can be a stressful experience, but with our wealth of experience, we can help you get faster decisions from Cornwall Council. Learn more about the planning process and how we can help, here.
Experienced renovation architects in Cornwall
With years of architecture experience creating fulfilling spaces for our clients, we know how to deliver the perfect renovation that transforms your property. Get in touch with our team today and discover how we can bring your own story of space to life.